Three Amazing Photography Facts You Never Knew

Info about digital cameras

Be they selfies, pictures of food, shots of pets, promotional images, memes, or just some simple snaps, people see hundreds — if not thousands — of pictures a day. Though they may take some enjoyment from them, or some pride, or simply pass them by, few people every really give pause and think about photography, which is a much more fascinating subject and industry than you might expect. Here are just a few of the coolest and oddest facts about photography you didn’t know you wanted to know.

Virtually Every Camera Sold Nowadays Is a Smartphone Camera.

Chances are you’re well aware that more and more people are using their smartphone cameras instead of their point and shoot digital cameras, but you may surprised at just how many are. In 2014, brick-and-mortar and online digital camera stores sold 1.8 billion cameras to consumers. An overwhelming 95% of them were camera phones, while only about 5% of them were traditional still cameras, like point and shoot digital cameras.

The Majority of Britons Are Drunk in Their Photos on Social Media.

If you live in Great Britain, chances are you and your friends only bust out the point and shoot digital cameras after a few pints. In a survey from 2011, a whopping 76% of of people from Britain were seen to be drunk in the photos they were tagged in on social media. Good thing there are privacy settings!

Odds Are, Your Good Side Is Your Left Side.

Every time people aim their point and shoot digital cameras at your
, turn to the left. According to a study by Kelsey Blackburn and James Schriillo from Wake Forest University, the left side of people’s face perceived and rated as more aesthetically pleasing than their right sides. In other words, most people’s “good side” is their left side.

Who would have thought that so few point and shoot digital cameras were sold nowadays!
? Or that most pictures of British people on social media show them drunk? Or even that most people’s good side is their left? If you know of any other curious factoids, feel free to share in the comments.


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